
Friday, January 14, 2011

February Brainwaves: Untapped Business Opportunities

Untapped Business Opportunities usually means money in the bank.....
....but for some reason we are afraid to go after them.  Either we are not sure how or what or when or who....and really all we need is just a little push to find those answers.

Sometimes I wonder if we are just a little afraid of being successful and raising our own bar - then we would have to jump even higher!

February's Brainwaves will discuss:
  • how my business can capitalize on emerging trends in my business area or other ones
  • what resources are available to me
  • who has what I need
Come prepared to share your ideas.  Or, if you have chased an untapped opportunity - tell your story and talk about how you survived!

Head over to the Buy Now page to sign up!
See you at Cora on Amy Croft in Tecumseh
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 @ 7:30 am

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