
Friday, January 14, 2011

February Brainwaves: Untapped Business Opportunities

Untapped Business Opportunities usually means money in the bank.....
....but for some reason we are afraid to go after them.  Either we are not sure how or what or when or who....and really all we need is just a little push to find those answers.

Sometimes I wonder if we are just a little afraid of being successful and raising our own bar - then we would have to jump even higher!

February's Brainwaves will discuss:
  • how my business can capitalize on emerging trends in my business area or other ones
  • what resources are available to me
  • who has what I need
Come prepared to share your ideas.  Or, if you have chased an untapped opportunity - tell your story and talk about how you survived!

Head over to the Buy Now page to sign up!
See you at Cora on Amy Croft in Tecumseh
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 @ 7:30 am

January Snow Stop + Update

Two stories today....
  1. we cancelled our first 2011 session because of all the snow - you can't control Mother Nature!
  2. we still want to give you some tips for developing your 2011 Outlook
Reminder:  It's important to reserve your space with us so that we can contact you by email or phone for any cancellations or last minute changes.

2011 Outlook Tips
  • The Plan:  have a clear and focused plan with a timeline over the entire year.
  • Avoid Distractions:  create a list of distracting items that may take you off of your course so that you can recognize them and place them on your timeline where they belong.  Some things may need to be placed in later months of the year.  Others may need to go on a list of "nice to do" or "5 years out". 
  • Be Realistic:  know what you can and cannot do.  This means stretching yourself and developing your skills, not overwhelming yourself with tasks, projects and learning that will cause you to miss out on making money. 
Example:  I would like to develop an App.  I have an idea and want to see if it will fly.  This is something that I know nothing about except for the ones I use on my Blackberry and Ipad.
  • I have it on my timeline for 2011 to start in February.  This is my investigation process and connecting with someone I have in my connections from LinkedIn to discuss and brainstorm the topic. 
  • I have allotted 4 hours in February to this project.  This will provide me with ample time to evaluate if I should proceed and if the App should stay on my 2011 plan or not.
  • I do not know how to write code ( like the boys on Big Bang Theory) so I will need a very simple process or program or support system to execute this project if it goes.  I do not want to take my time away from clients, networking and the rest of my February and future goals as it could jeopardize my 2011 plan.
Use the tips for your outlook in 2011 to keep you focused.  If you find you are straying or need refocus, stop by a Brainwaves session or let me know.  I would be happy to coach you through that time.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

January Brainwaves Feature Promotion

Check out the January Feature Page - SAVE MONEY Today!!
Click on Image.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Brainwaves Calendar

2011 Brainwaves Topic Calendar

Thank you for the survey feedback.  We have done our best to incorporate all the topics suggested and voted upon by you, our members and followers.  We have skipped the social media topics as we were quite heavily into them through quite a bit of 2010.  This being said, we are happy to create secondary Brainwaves groups for this upon request (with minimum attendance numbers required) or you can chose to learn more about social media navigation and marketing by connecting with Business Success Coach Lora Crestan  - click here.

New for 2011:
  • Wednesday sessions
  • 7:30 am start time
January 12th:  Business Planning for 2011
What's Next?  My Outlook for 2011 - we will brainstorm the following:
  • What is the plan?
  • What are the steps?
  • How to anticipate obstacles?
  • How to track progress?
  • How to track results?
Here is the topic list for the rest of the year.  Each month, brainstorming points will be posted to the blog (subscribe here).  As usual, each month a recap will also be posted with completed notes available at the Solution Linx website for Brainwaves Members Only access.

February 2nd:  Untapped Business Opportunities

March 2nd:  Networking Strategies

April 6th:  Demonstrating My Leadership

May 11th:  Change Strategies

June 1st:  Goal Setting & Mid-Year Review

September 14th:  Presentation Skills

October 5th:  My Brilliant Idea & Presentation Skills Part 2

November 2nd:  Open Topic - Brainwaves Members Choice + 2011 Recap

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Brainwaves Goals 2011

Our New Year goals are quite simple:

...create an open environment for our clients to have brainstorming sessions on topics that benefit their business by implementing feedback provided

...create a network of business owners, leaders and like-minded individuals who can help each other grow their business and advance their careers by consistently seeking new attendees