
Friday, August 6, 2010

Change Your Process - Eliminate Roadblocks

A great discussion on Change. 

On Wednesday morning the Brainwaves Group spent time focusing on the following questions:
  1. What process do you want to change?
  2. What would you like the results of this change to be?
  3. What do you do now that you would need to do differently?
  4. What could get in the way of the change (roadblocks)
  5. How will you get around the roadblocks when they pop up?
To find out all the details, you will need to attend Brainwaves Sessions and get access to our Members Only detailed notes.

Join us for our follow up on Change Your Process on Thursday September 16, 2010 @ 7:30 am.  Topic will be "Employee vs Entrepreneur Thinking - How Effective Am I Really?"
Reserve Today - seats are limited.

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