
Monday, December 20, 2010

New Year Plans

The coaches as Solution Linx are getting ready for the New Year.

Each quarter in 2010 we reviewed where we were and what we were doing. Our planning sessions are wrapping up and we thought we would let you in on how we do this.

  • Get survey posted and results tabulated for feedback and client information
  • Take out our calendar and financials
  • Review attendance numbers
  • Review how payments were made
  • Review what advertising got the most draw
  • Go though our survey findings
  • Determine what attendance numbers we are looking for next year.
  • Determine which months we will take off.
  • Build our calendar for the year
  • Develop our advertising tactics for the year.
Hope our plan helps you create your own. 

If you need a hand with this process, please feel free to contact the coaches - click here.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brainwaves Survey

We're Listening!

Please click on the link below and take our Brainwaves Survey. The coaches at Solution Linx are planning to develop an online or teleconference version of do so, we would like to have your input so that we can host topics and times that would engage you.

Looking forward to your feedback! We will post the results in the first week of January along with a schedule of topics and dates.

Thanks so much!

Click here to take survey

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Get Your Blog to Make Money

There are many ways to blog for money. I blog because I want to provide information that supplements my work. I also have a personal blog under an alias where I can tell my story.

You can advertise on Blogger blogs with Google AdSense and Amazon. You can also post affiliate ads on your Blogger site. You can see on this blog that there are AdSense ads and at the end of this post, there are Amazon books for sale.  If you have a Wordpress blog, they are not happy with advertising on their blogs.

Affiliates ads are for companies with which you can sign up to receive an account and get a portion of sales from the sale of their products or services.

You can find affiliates on of instructions and easy to follow steps.  Or if you would like to sell your product through Clickbank, click here.

Of course, you can always post ads for your own products or services, create links to your website or email lists. There are as many ways to make money with blogs as there are bloggers with imagination.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Clean Off Your Plate - Delegate

To do's can get out of control especially for the entrepreneur who is trying to do everything for themselves.

There comes a time to weigh What you are doing vs. What you are good at. You may just be wasting time, or potentially procrastinating getting real work done so that you can take care of or tend to things that should be done by someone with more expertise or qualifications.

It may benefit you to actually delegate and pay experts to do the tasks that you are not so good at, because in the end it will save you both time and money allowing you tom focus on business and clients. A great example of this is bookkeeping...should you do it or get someone else to do it if it ales them 3 hours and you an entire day.

Have a look at what you are doing....what can you delegate?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Clean Off Your Plate

Without Guilt

So life as a business owner/leader can take it's toll. We like to own everything our company does.  Does that really mean you have to physically do it ALL?
Meet with other Business Owners/Leaders at the next Brainwaves Session to discuss:
  • prioritizing what to delegate
  • how to effective delegate without guilt
  • how to follow up without feeling like a 'nag'
  • tools that build productivity on your team
  • for solo-preneurs, how to find someone to delegate to
...and much more.

Reserve your spot today by clicking on the open book in the right sidebar.  Seats are limited!

Effective Blogging

Understanding ALL the Ins and Outs

Blogging can be quite intimidating....or even like a maze that you get into and are not sure how to get out.  So many things to decide, so many ways to get your message out...what to do?

In this one hour Brainwaves session we will talk about how to use a blog to generate income:
  • how to advertise on your blog
  • use of tools/gadgets supplied by Blogger
  • how to build pages
  • sample titles to catch attention
  • blogging etiquette
  • affiliate marketing
  • ....and of course, other ways to get traffic to your blog.
Use the open book in the sidebar to Reserve Your Spot Today - seats are limited.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Challenge Myself - Rediscover My Passion

Lots of thinking and discussion this past week about rediscovering the passion we had when we started our respective businesses. The group worked through a series of questions and then discussed their answers, finding that many ideas built upon the rest.
Homework - a few more questions to ponder to see if you are on the same path as when you started and understand what shifts are taking place.
Want to learn more?  Come out to a Brainwaves Session. 
Next Month:  the Art of Delegation - Clean Off My Plate without Guilt!

Conversations In Social Media

What a fantastic working discussion with lots of questions about how to participate!  The main result was a work group around the laptop - semi-hands-on...with the results that the group decided to follow up on Blogging and getting income through blogging along with blogging etiquette - what to do, when to do it, how to do it etc.
Join us next month.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Host, Manage and Engage

On the Social Networks are you?
How are you hosting, managing and engaging in the conversations on the internet?

Learn how and why at the next Brainwaves Session on Wednesday October 6, 2010.
For reservations, click here - seats are limited.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Work ON My Business

Join the Brainwaves Session on Thursday October 7th, 2010 to
Rediscover My Passion - Work ON My Business.

This challenge to yourself with the help of other Brainwaves Members will give you inspiration and lead to a refreshed way of looking at your life, and you business.

Click here for reservations.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Challenge Myself

Join the Brainwaves Session  on Thursday October 7, 2010 to
Challenge Myself

An opportunity to connect with other business leaders/owners and see how they challenge themselves to keep their passion fueled for the future.

For reservations, click here.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Conversations in Social Media

Join the Brainwaves Session on Wednesday October 6, 2010 at 9 am to discuss

Conversations in Social Media - Hosting, Managing & Engaging.

Discussions and ideas will flow around why, how, when, general etiquette and developing a following.

For reservations, click here.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Employee Vs Entrepreneur Thinking

Interesting session with a focus to determining the % of time we spend ON our business vs. IN our business.
How much time do you spend in each and why?
When and how does that change?
What factors affect the ON and IN?
How do you handle them?

A good discussion topic that will lead to more self-reflection to refresh passion and intention in business.

To join the conversation in person, click here.

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn - Which One?

The Brainwaves Group spent a solid session exploring the value of different social media programs and how to incorporate them into a marketing strategy.

LinkedIn for professional networks - Is your audience here?

Twitter?  To connect blogs, engage in conversations, find information, build relationships.

Facebook - is your generational demographic active here?
To find out more information or become a Brainwaves Member - click Here!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blog What? Learn the Power of the Blog

You are on Your Way to Riding the Blog Wave!

A very interesting session on the Power of the Blog!
Thank you for sharing your comments and feedback, fears and ideas to overcome the 'unknown' of the blogging world.

By covering the roadblocks to blogging, what to blog (you saw that you had lots to say) and why blog, the fog started to clear.

By sitting and looking at blogs and platforms you could see that with a few clicks of the mouse you could be on your way!

To find out all the details including a special blog set up offer, you will need to attend Brainwaves Sessions and get access to our Members Only detailed notes.

Next Wednesday Session will be on September 15th at 9:00 am at Cora on Amy Croft.
Topic:  Facebook, Twitter, Linked In - Which One (or Ones) and Why?

Space is limited.  Reserve Your Seat Today.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Change Your Process - Eliminate Roadblocks

A great discussion on Change. 

On Wednesday morning the Brainwaves Group spent time focusing on the following questions:
  1. What process do you want to change?
  2. What would you like the results of this change to be?
  3. What do you do now that you would need to do differently?
  4. What could get in the way of the change (roadblocks)
  5. How will you get around the roadblocks when they pop up?
To find out all the details, you will need to attend Brainwaves Sessions and get access to our Members Only detailed notes.

Join us for our follow up on Change Your Process on Thursday September 16, 2010 @ 7:30 am.  Topic will be "Employee vs Entrepreneur Thinking - How Effective Am I Really?"
Reserve Today - seats are limited.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Age Marketing Session

Another fantastic session with many new guests at the table.  New Age Marketing featured the questions:
      • do I need a website?
      • a blog?
      • social media?
Great discussion with many ideas, questions and fears laid out...ready to start our session next month on:

Blog What?  Learn How

                                           Wednesday August 11, 2010 at 9 am

                                          Make Your Reservation Now - Seats are Limited

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Sales Funnel

July 2010 Session:  Group A
'The Sales Funnel'.

A great and informative discussion was had by the participants in this Brainwaves session around 'The Sales Funnel'.  It was a super opportunity to interact, share free websites and discuss how to apply the funnel to our individual business.

August 2010 Topic for Group A: 
Changing Your Process - Eliminate Roadblocks

Thanks to Peter Wares at DevMark Consulting Inc.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Brainwaves Live!

A new way to connect and meet business leaders, owners and the entrepreneurially-minded.
The Brainwaves Groups get together and connect in Tecumseh, Ontario Canada.
A super way to meet people, get support, find prospective clients and even referrals.

The Brainwaves Groups meet to brainstorm on one topic per month, coming up with fantastic ideas and insights. We decide on what we will each take-away to work on during the month. At the next meeting, we do a quick recap to see what happened - were we successful? Did we encounter any roadblocks? How can we help overcome the roadblocks?

Each monthly topic is decided upon by the Group in the session. This way the topic is relevant and can be put to use/work immediately.

Sessions last 1 hour and are early morning - either 7:30 am or 9:00 am.