
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brainwaves Survey

We're Listening!

Please click on the link below and take our Brainwaves Survey. The coaches at Solution Linx are planning to develop an online or teleconference version of do so, we would like to have your input so that we can host topics and times that would engage you.

Looking forward to your feedback! We will post the results in the first week of January along with a schedule of topics and dates.

Thanks so much!

Click here to take survey

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Get Your Blog to Make Money

There are many ways to blog for money. I blog because I want to provide information that supplements my work. I also have a personal blog under an alias where I can tell my story.

You can advertise on Blogger blogs with Google AdSense and Amazon. You can also post affiliate ads on your Blogger site. You can see on this blog that there are AdSense ads and at the end of this post, there are Amazon books for sale.  If you have a Wordpress blog, they are not happy with advertising on their blogs.

Affiliates ads are for companies with which you can sign up to receive an account and get a portion of sales from the sale of their products or services.

You can find affiliates on of instructions and easy to follow steps.  Or if you would like to sell your product through Clickbank, click here.

Of course, you can always post ads for your own products or services, create links to your website or email lists. There are as many ways to make money with blogs as there are bloggers with imagination.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Clean Off Your Plate - Delegate

To do's can get out of control especially for the entrepreneur who is trying to do everything for themselves.

There comes a time to weigh What you are doing vs. What you are good at. You may just be wasting time, or potentially procrastinating getting real work done so that you can take care of or tend to things that should be done by someone with more expertise or qualifications.

It may benefit you to actually delegate and pay experts to do the tasks that you are not so good at, because in the end it will save you both time and money allowing you tom focus on business and clients. A great example of this is bookkeeping...should you do it or get someone else to do it if it ales them 3 hours and you an entire day.

Have a look at what you are doing....what can you delegate?