
Friday, October 15, 2010

Clean Off Your Plate

Without Guilt

So life as a business owner/leader can take it's toll. We like to own everything our company does.  Does that really mean you have to physically do it ALL?
Meet with other Business Owners/Leaders at the next Brainwaves Session to discuss:
  • prioritizing what to delegate
  • how to effective delegate without guilt
  • how to follow up without feeling like a 'nag'
  • tools that build productivity on your team
  • for solo-preneurs, how to find someone to delegate to
...and much more.

Reserve your spot today by clicking on the open book in the right sidebar.  Seats are limited!

Effective Blogging

Understanding ALL the Ins and Outs

Blogging can be quite intimidating....or even like a maze that you get into and are not sure how to get out.  So many things to decide, so many ways to get your message out...what to do?

In this one hour Brainwaves session we will talk about how to use a blog to generate income:
  • how to advertise on your blog
  • use of tools/gadgets supplied by Blogger
  • how to build pages
  • sample titles to catch attention
  • blogging etiquette
  • affiliate marketing
  • ....and of course, other ways to get traffic to your blog.
Use the open book in the sidebar to Reserve Your Spot Today - seats are limited.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Challenge Myself - Rediscover My Passion

Lots of thinking and discussion this past week about rediscovering the passion we had when we started our respective businesses. The group worked through a series of questions and then discussed their answers, finding that many ideas built upon the rest.
Homework - a few more questions to ponder to see if you are on the same path as when you started and understand what shifts are taking place.
Want to learn more?  Come out to a Brainwaves Session. 
Next Month:  the Art of Delegation - Clean Off My Plate without Guilt!

Conversations In Social Media

What a fantastic working discussion with lots of questions about how to participate!  The main result was a work group around the laptop - semi-hands-on...with the results that the group decided to follow up on Blogging and getting income through blogging along with blogging etiquette - what to do, when to do it, how to do it etc.
Join us next month.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Host, Manage and Engage

On the Social Networks are you?
How are you hosting, managing and engaging in the conversations on the internet?

Learn how and why at the next Brainwaves Session on Wednesday October 6, 2010.
For reservations, click here - seats are limited.