
Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Break

Not sure what we are going to do yet, but the Brainwaves Bunch is taking a break for the summer.  See you back here at the end of August with reminders on our September subject.

Look forward to a 2-part series on presentation skills followed up by actual time to present with the team - practice makes perfect!

Happy Summer:)  Keep those positive vibes flowing!

Lora & Maria

Sunday, May 15, 2011

June Brainwaves: Mid Year Review

So where are you?  Where is your business in terms of your 2011 goals?  Time to review and set plans in place to make the rest of the year even better than the first half.

Get together with the Brainwaves team and...
  • examine your business progress for the first 6 months of 2011
  • develop actions to stay on track or correct your course
  • look at opportunities for the next 6 months
  • determine if I will hit my year-end figures
Early Morning Conference Call

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11th Brainwaves

We will be postponing this event until Thursday May 19th at 7:30 am.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

May Brainwaves: What Do I Need to Change?

Have you answered this question before?  What do I need to change?  It is usually followed by 'why do I need to change that?'
Good questions that we need to ask ourselves, to keep developing and moving our businesses to new levels.

May Brainwaves will look at change strategies:
  • what gets in my way?
  • what is my greatest fear?
  • what would my life be like if I changed just one thing?
  • do I think that if I do the same things over again I will get different results?
Be a part of Brainwaves on Wednesday May 11th, 2011 @ 7:30 am.

Click here to reserve your seat!

Teleconference will start at 7:30 am sharp!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

April Brainwaves: ME - The Business Leader

April Brainwaves will focus on leadership.  Whether we are in a business of one or a business of many, leadership is key.  It is the value behind your brand.  It is your image.

Brainwaves will focus on:
  • what are my leadership skills
  • how do I demonstrate my leadership skills
  • how can I improve my leadership skills
  • leadership skills inventory
Join us by phone, for FREE:  Wednesday April 6th, 2011 @ 7:30 am.

Click here to reserve your seat now!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Networking Strategies

There are so many great tips and ideas to make networking effective.  Here a few steps to help make your networking successful:
  • Choose a networking event to attend after researching attendees (online or by phone call to the organizer) to make sure that the people there are in your target audience.
  • When at the event, even if you are shy, remember that everyone is there to network and speak with others, no one wants to be left standing alone, so you can even make your shyness or 'new-ness' a part of the conversation when you see someone standing by themselves.
  • When speaking with others, focus on them - what do they do, how do they do it, who is their ideal customer.
  • Take notes on their business card.  Don't forget your pen!
  • Follow up is critical - be methodical and provide value with each follow up - whether by phone, email or regular mail.  It's not about closing the sale in the follow up.  It's about building a foundation for a relationship.
  • Be genuine.  Be yourself. 
Let me know if you would like the complete notes by replying to this post.  You can also post more of your own ideas here too!

Don't forget to join us on April 6th for a personal development Brainwaves By Phone Session:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How to Make Twitter Work for You

Are You Ready to Find Out How to Make Twitter Work for You?

Join us for a FREE webinar on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 2pm EST
to learn how to put Twitter to work for YOU!

In this free webinar you will learn:

  • How to develop a Twitter marketing strategy
  • What to say on Twitter
  • How to make your Twitter profile stand out from everyone else
You will also receive some great bonuses that you can start using immediately to help you develop a great social media marketing plan.

Bonus 1: “5 Key Communication Strategies to Build Your Brand”, downloadable report (available as soon as you sign up!)

Bonus 2: Social Media Marketing Metrics, downloadable template (available after the webinar)

Bonus 3: Replay of the Webinar to watch at your convenience (available after the webinar)

Bonus 4: “How I Tripled my Blog Traffic in Two Months”, downloadable report (available immediately upon signup!)